Steps to Transfer Your Domain to a New Hosting Provider

Transferring a domain name to a new domain and hosting service provider might sound like a big, complicated task, but don't worry. So, it's not as scary as it seems, and by the end of this guide, you'll know exactly how to do it. Whether you’re moving your cool website to a better hosting provider, or your parents have asked for help, follow along and you’ll be a domain-transfer expert in no time!

What Is a Domain and Hosting?

Before we jump into the steps, let's first understand what a domain and hosting are.

  • Domain Name: Moreover, domain name is like your website's address. Just like how your home has an address so people can find it, your website needs one too. 
  • Hosting Provider: So, this is like the house where all your website's stuff is kept. When someone visits your domain, they are actually going to the house (your host) to see all the cool content you’ve built for them.

Sometimes, you might want to move your domain from one house (hosting provider) to another. Moreover, maybe the new house is bigger, better, or faster! That’s where transferring your domain comes in.

Step 1: Check Your Domain’s Eligibility for Transfer

Before you can move your domain, you need to make sure it's ready to be transferred. This is like making sure all your boxes are packed before moving to a new home.

  1. Is Your Domain Old Enough? 

Domains need to be registered for at least 60 days before they can be transferred to domain and hosting service. So, if you just registered it or recently transferred it, you’ll have to wait a bit longer.

  1. Check the Lock Status 

So, many domains are locked by default to prevent unauthorized transfers. Moreover, think of it like a lock on the door to your house. You need to unlock the door before you can leave!
To check if your domain is locked:

  • Log in to your current domain registrar (the place where you bought your domain).
  • Look for a setting called “Domain Lock” or “Transfer Lock”.
  • If it’s locked, simply click to unlock it. This might be called "Disable Lock" or something similar.
  1. No Outstanding Payments 

So, make sure that you’ve paid for your domain’s renewal. Moreover, if there are any unpaid bills, you won’t be able to transfer it.

  1. Know Your WHOIS Information 

WHOIS is a public directory that contains details about who owns the domain. Make sure the email address listed there is correct because you’ll get important emails during the transfer process.

Step 2: Choose Your New Hosting Provider

Now that your domain is ready for domain and hosting service transfer, it’s time to pick where you want to move it to. So, this is like picking your new house. However, here are some things to look for in your new hosting provider:

  • Speed – You want your website to load quickly for visitors.
  • Customer Support – So, if something goes wrong, it’s good to have a helpful team to talk to.
  • Price – Some hosting providers are more expensive than others, so find one that fits your budget.
  • Storage Space – This is where all your website files live. If you have lots of pictures, videos, or blog posts, make sure there’s enough room!

Step 3: Get Your EPP Code

An EPP code is like a special key that lets you transfer your domain. This code proves that you are the rightful owner of the domain. Here’s how to find it:

  1. Log in to your current domain registrar (where you bought your domain).
  2. Look for “Transfer Domain” or “Get EPP Code” in the control panel.
  3. Request the EPP Code – It will either show up on the screen or will be in your email.

Keep this code safe! You’ll need it for the next step.

Step 4: Start the Transfer with Your New Hosting Provider

Once you have your EPP code, it’s time to let your new hosting provider know you want to move your domain there. This is like telling your new house that you’re ready to move in.

  1. Log in to your new hosting provider’s control panel.
  2. Look for a section called “Transfer Domain” or “Domain Management”.
  3. Enter Your Domain Name – Type in the domain name you want to transfer (e.g.,
  4. Enter the EPP Code – Remember that special key you got from your old provider? Now’s the time to use it! Enter the EPP code in the required box.

Step 5: Approve the Transfer

Now that you’ve started the domain name service transfer, it’s time to give the final approval. You’ll usually get an email at the address listed in your WHOIS information.

  • Check your email for a message from your old registrar. It will ask you to confirm that you want to transfer the domain.
  • Click the approval link – The email will have a link that says something like “Approve Transfer” or “Confirm Transfer.” Click it to give the green light.

If you don’t see the email, check your spam or junk folder. Sometimes important emails can end up there by accident!

Step 6: Wait for the Transfer to Complete

Once you approve the transfer, there’s not much left to do except wait. It usually takes 5 to 7 days for the transfer to go through. Think of it like waiting for your boxes to arrive at your new house. While waiting, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • No Website Downtime – Don’t worry! Your website should still be working during this time.
  • Check Your Emails – Sometimes there are additional updates or requests for confirmation.

Step 7: Update Your DNS Settings

Once your domain is officially transferred, you’ll need to update your DNS settings. The DNS (Domain Name System) is like the map that directs people to your website’s new home. Without it, visitors won’t know where to find you!

  1. Log in to your new hosting provider.
  2. Find the DNS Settings – Look for something called “Manage DNS” or “DNS Settings”.
  3. Update the Nameservers – Nameservers are like the signposts that direct visitors to your new website. Your new hosting provider will give you the correct names ervers to use. 
  4. Save the Changes – After updating the nameservers, hit save!

It might take a few hours (or even up to 48 hours) for these web hosting service changes to take effect, so don’t worry if things don’t switch over immediately.

Step 8: Test Your Website

Once the DNS changes are complete, your website should be live on your new hosting provider! Now it’s time to test things out:

  • Visit your website – Go to your domain and make sure everything looks right.
  • Check all pages – Make sure all your pages, images, and links are working correctly.
  • Send test emails – If you have an email account associated with your domain (like [email protected]), send a test email to make sure it’s working too.

Step 9: Cancel Your Old Hosting (If Needed)

If your old hosting provider was also your domain registrar, you’ll likely want to cancel your account with them once everything is working on your new provider. Be careful, though – only cancel after you’ve confirmed that the transfer was successful and your website is running smoothly.

  • Log in to your old hosting provider’s control panel.
  • Look for an option to cancel or terminate your account.
  • Follow the instructions to cancel your hosting plan.


You’ve successfully transferred your domain and hosting to a new hosting provider. You’ve learned about domain names, EPP codes, DNS settings, and more! You’re now ready to share your awesome website with the world from its new home.

So, there you have it—a step-by-step guide to moving your website’s domain to a new hosting provider. Whether you're helping out your family or working on your own projects, these steps will make sure the transfer goes smoothly.

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